All my art is hand drawn and inked, color added in the computer only.
Portraits & caricatures are created from photographs you provide, end results within a week. Hard copies can be mailed to you, digital copies provided free of charge. Portrait sizes range from 8 x 10 to 11 x 14. $55.00 to $65.00 each. Email HERE with any questions or for more information.
Samples shown here, including published caricatures and portraits.

Caricatured portrait cartoon of young man joining the Justice League as a sidekick, commissioned

Pencil portraits, professional model, on commission

Sample pencil portrait, client's mother

Client's father with finished art (Pam's Super Dad)

Personalized super hero comic, created from provided photos, commissioned

Pencil portrait of children, on commission

Pencils, model portrait on commission

Caricature done for political commentary website in '08