All my art is hand drawn and inked, color added in the computer only.
Seen here are various samples of illustration work done by Karstens Creations for numerous forms of media, from book and magazine art to website banners and graphics. Prices range from $50.00 to $65.00 a page, depending on detail required. Please email HERE with any questions.

Horror comics illustration, rough sketch

Cover art for the RPG game, 'Aesir', produced and sold via Blackar Games

Parody movie poster, on commission

Character art, online series

Background artwork for the animated film, 'Apprentice' produced by White Radish Films

Cover box art for board game, produced and sold via Blackar Games

Full movie poster designed for the Stephen King 'Dollar Baby' Film Festival

Conceptual 'Disney' style movie poster for a proposed animated film adaption of the HG Wells novel, 'The Time Machine'